Inbox — Oct. 9, 2013

Letters to the Editor

Oct 9, 2013 at 5:00 am

Puzzled and Frustrated
I look forward to reading LEO each week. I appreciate the investigative reporting, and I enjoy the restaurant reviews and articles on the local art scene. I especially like to do The New York Times Sunday Crossword Puzzle.

This comment is directed toward the person responsible for formatting the paper. In last week’s puzzle, there were no vertical clues after 64, so the puzzle could not be done. The puzzle printed in this week’s LEO repeated the tag line from last week’s puzzle, so it didn’t apply and was confusing.

Puzzle-doers would appreciate if there was more concern given to this feature. Thank you
Maureen O’Connor, Highlands

Editor’s Note: We sincerely apologize for the recent errors in the NYT Crossword Puzzle. We’re putting methods in place to ensure they won’t happen again. Thank you for your forgiveness and patience.

We’re All Colored
Ricky Jones’ column about racist Jack Hunter (LEO Weekly, Sept. 25) brought a smile to this well-lived, well-lined face. My mind took me back to a movie I saw in the late ’40s as a teenage sailor. As I recall, part of “Home of the Brave” had an Army colonel direct a young lieutenant to get five volunteers for a dangerous mission behind Japanese lines. The young officer later reported, “Sir, I have five volunteers but one is colored.” The colonel asked, “Oh, what color is he?”

What a lesson. We’re all colored.
Bob Moore, East End

Thanks for Your Problems
As our nation climbs into a government shutdown, many young people are looking on in disgust. On top of all the other things young people are inheriting, like a rapidly destabilizing climate and skyrocketing air and water pollution levels, we now have to deal with our public stewards refusing to compromise for the greater benefit of our nation (which is what we elect and pay them to do!). With such challenges, sometimes I wonder what a young person can do to build a sustainable future with hope and opportunity. Then I remember that every time our country has overcome historically crippling challenges, solutions were always pioneered by a strong youth movement.

Right now, the Youth Climate Movement is growing, gaining power and working together to combat climate change, stop social injustice and elect politicians who will actually do their jobs, help us build a green economy and reverse human-caused climate change. In two weeks, hundreds of Kentucky youth will join thousands of people at Power Shift, the largest Youth Climate Movement gathering in the nation, in Pittsburgh, to discuss our solutions. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our lives and forget about the bigger picture, but my generation knows we must shape the world we want to see, and young people from across the bluegrass are working together to do just that. Maybe Congress could learn a thing or two from us.
Tyler Offerman, Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition, Lexington

Lamentation of a Wimp

I saw John Boehner
on the nightly news.
His eyes looked bleary,
like he’d had some booze.

They asked John Boehner,
“Why’d you shut it down?”
His eyes got teary and
he made a frown.

“They call me ‘Leader,’”
he said with a glower.
“But then they tell me,
‘You’ve got no real power.’”

“And so they voted
not to pay the loans,
’Cause Ted Cruz promised,
‘God will know His own.’”
Isaac McDaniel, Hikes Point