LEO Weekly Classified Ads

Thank you for your interest in placing a classified word ad or public notice. LEO Weekly does not allow classified ads for pets for sale/ free animals, etc.

Our deadline for classified ads is the Monday of press week by 12:00pm (noon). If you place your advertisement after this time, it will run the following run date. LEO Weekly is only in physical print every two weeks and has 26 issues per year. To purchase classified ads in multiple print issues, update the quantity on the self pay portal.

Type of Ad | Cost
Public Notice: $51.50 per issue
Classified Graphic Ad: $51.50 per issue
Classified Word Ad 1-50 words: $60 per issue
Classified Word Ad 51-99 words: $90 per issue
Classified Word Ad 100+ words: $125 per issue

Please use the self-serve portal below to place and pay for your advertisement.

Display Advertising: Email us at [email protected], or call us at (502) 895-9770, Option 4.