Inbox — April 9, 2014

Letters to the Editor

Apr 9, 2014 at 5:00 am

Addiction Relief
Attn: April Corbin: I read your news article in the March 5 LEO Weekly about the increase in heroin addiction and deaths related to overdose.

At the Seven Counties Jefferson Alcohol and Drug Abuse Center (JADAC), we began to see a large increase in young adults addicted to painkillers five years ago, and within the last two years, we’ve witnessed the switch to heroin. We are lucky in this community to have as many resources as we have, but all of us are stretched thin with the demand. The demand is tripled by the fact that many of the people addicted to heroin are young adults, and their relapse rates are higher because they often do not stick to the treatment and recovery plan the first time, or even the second time. Their need to re-enter treatment multiple times is high; this increases utilization of and demand for all addiction treatment and recovery resources.

JADAC’s Inpatient Medical Detox unit is filled most days with young adults in their 20s addicted to heroin. Our Intensive Outpatient Programs also have a high number of young adults. Our family programs are filled primarily with parents who feel helpless.

JADAC focuses much attention on the families in all of our programs, because they are often the ones feeling the most pain. Our programs highlight the things family members can do to take care of themselves as well as actions they can take to be more productive for the person with the addiction. We find that if families understand addiction and attend their 12-step support group, they become more effective in getting the young adult into treatment. They recognize relapse quickly and consequently help the young adult re-enter treatment more quickly.

One of our family programs, the Concerned Persons Program, is open to anyone 16 or over in the Kentuckiana community. The services are educational/discussion in nature and the group meets every Thursday evening, from 6-8 p.m., at JADAC, 600 S. Preston St. There are no fees since it is funded by Metro United Way. Anyone interested can just show up — no appointment necessary.

Thank you for covering this very important issue.
Diane Hague, vice president of addictions and JADAC director

Tolerance Hypocrites
Recently I was amazed to see Shawn Sumner of Jeffersonville do a remarkable job showing how Christians are truly intolerant (March 5 Inbox). He claims to be sick of being called racist, homophobic, etc., by those who disagree with his Christian education. He then goes on to declare the left to be the most intolerant of all. Amazing or just plain ignorant? Either way, it’s a sure sign of religious intolerance.

He, of course, attempts to cover his ass by claiming his views are based on the words of Christ. Not the “Love thy neighbor” or “Do unto others” words. No, instead he writes of Jesus saying, “Be obedient.”

I love to hear the intolerant hypocritical Christians explain how supporting gay rights and opposing those who do not is intolerant. But using the words of Christ to explain why you have the right to keep those who love each other from being married is not intolerant. I have been called a murderer for supporting the right of women to own their bodies. I have been told that my opposition (with great anger) toward those attempting to balance our budget by destroying the lives of the poor shows intolerance. The right does not want workers’ pay to rise, while the pay of executives has skyrocketed.

I am not tolerant of that. I am not going to sit by and be tolerant of Congress spending taxpayer money to fight a health-care bill that will allow millions of uninsured to get health care. So yes, Shawn, I am intolerant. And proud of it. But you are a hypocrite. You are intolerant of anyone who does not accept that your religious beliefs are correct. You are intolerant of a majority of Americans who support gay marriage. You are intolerant of those who believe Christ was not only a liberal, but would ridicule the fools who think they speak for God.

And just in case you do not realize it, Shawn, when you look around your church, just as many on the left are sitting there as the right.
Richard Hodge, DePauw, Ind.