Andrew Rinehart - Nothing / Everything

Dec 23, 2015 at 3:17 pm
Andrew Rinehart - Nothing / Everything

(Buddyhead / Rinehart Media)

With an art-rock-meets-singer-songwriter-folk sound, which seems to be the result of years of exploring different genres, and then being able to settle in to something that’s comfortable and unique and always changing, Andrew Rinehart’s “Nothing / Everything” captures a series of jumbled narratives and feelings and molds them into a very human and honest experience. Throughout, his vocals have this ghostly mix of pain and indifference, like a distant memory that now represents a life lesson as much as a lingering thorn in the side. Sometimes meaning is straightforward, sometimes it’s buried. Sometimes the music is mellow and clean, sometimes it’s explosive and stormy. It’s a roller coaster ride. Buy the ticket.