What a Week

Feb 14, 2006 at 9:49 pm

Bridge of sighs The Transportation Cabinet canceled Atlantic Painting Co.’s $17.8 million contract and ordered it to stop not painting the Kennedy Bridge. Atlantic had been not painting the bridge since spring 2004 and now will not paint the bridge on a permanent basis.

You make me feel like dancin’ Architects and city officials unveiled plans for Museum Plaza, a striking new skyscraper slated for the old Kingfish site on Louisville’s waterfront. The $380 million mixed use tower, boldly designed to resemble John Travolta’s signature disco pose from the film “Saturday Night Fever,” will house an art museum, condos, lofts, a hotel, office space, 100 miles of green space, a basketball arena and a bridge to Indiana. Most citizens praised the new tower and its striking design, but one influential detractor — John Schnatter — thinks it should be built on the old Water Company site instead.

Broad-bandits A statewide survey showed that 32 percent of Kentucky homes lack computers and 68 percent lack high-speed Internet access, prompting worries about a worsening digital divide. On a brighter note, the survey reflects favorably for Kentuckians on the pop-up, dullblog, IM, Myspace, spyware, privacy, adware, spam, e-predator and porno divides.

This week in guns The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would make secret the list of Kentuckians who carry concealed weapons. (Hint to outsiders: It’s all of us! Bang, bang! Ha ha ha.) Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would bar prosecution of anyone who brings weapons onto the property of schools that don’t display “No guns allowed” signs. When asked, “Schools? Are you shitting me?,” Sen. Yosemite Sam, D-Nicholasville, said, “Varmint, I’m a-gonna blow you to smithereens!” And finally, Yosemite Dick Cheney, weary of others doing all the shooting on his behalf, shot a man in Texas. Fortunately, the man was a lawyer.