Its international because... why? | Rose, Thorn and Absurd
Maybe the best thing about the completion of the Kentucky International Convention Center is that now Market, Jefferson and Third streets will fully open, that is, until another sewer or water line collapses or hotel is built. And you would think that for $207 million, the Convention Center could have afforded to put in a few trees because, you know, Louisville is just not that cool.
You make how much?! | Thorn
Turns out that the $145,992 a year that Gov. Matt Bevin gets paid (way too much) is less than made by a rising number of state employees, despite a state law requiring him to get top dollar. The state allows higher salaries for contract hires or people who are specifically exempted, the Courier Journal reported. They include Kentucky State Fair Board President David Becks $300,000 a year. (Maybe Beck could donate a few dollars for trees at his new Convention Center?)
KY gets pastor-ized | Thorn
Speaking of filling the swamp, Bevins gang has hired a Baptist pastor and his wife to advise on state adoption and foster care. Their qualifications are that they have 10 children, seven adopted, and are active in child welfare, adoption and foster care in Florida, according to a state press release. The cost of hiring them? The CJ says it could more than $350,000 a year.
Double, double toil and... | Thorn
White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will speak Aug. 25 at Kentuckys big, annual GOP coven, the Lincoln Dinner in Lexington. We can hear it now... Eye of Newt (Gingrich), toe of frog (turtle, actually) and tongue of dog (no Yellow Dog Dems!).
Filter, please, Alison | Rose and Thorn
We are going to come out and just say it: Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes was wrong to joke at the Dems annual bean supper about Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul being beaten by his neighbor. Otherwise, she threw sharp darts at the Fancy Farm picnic, such as: Right now, Mitch [McConnell] had to leave because he is very busy rushing a Supreme Court vote. It is so sad, like many men, he suffers from premature confirmation, and, like a man, he claims it never happens to him.