Thorns & Roses: The Worst, Best And Most Absurd (12/02)

Dec 2, 2020 at 11:01 am
kentucky masks

Thorn: What is it with cops and Nazis?

The Kentucky Department of Criminal Justice Training featured a Nazi symbol — a sonnenrad or sunwheel — in a training video, duPont Manual High School’s newspaper, Manual RedEye, reported. Recall that the RedEye broke the story that a Kentucky State Police training video quoted Hitler and Robert E. Lee and instructed cadets to have “a mindset void of emotion” and to “meet violence with greater violence.” Gov. Andy Beshear told the RedEye: “The image used at the beginning of the six-minute video clip is offensive and absolutely unacceptable. This image should never have been part of any training video on drug addiction.”

Thorn: See you, and raise you one pope

Attorney General Daniel “I Lied About The Breonna Taylor Grand Jury Findings” Cameron said he wants the U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether Beshear violated churchgoers’ First Amendment rights by trying to save their and their children’s lives. We would not be surprised if Cameron, who has almost no courtroom experience, filed the appeal with the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott (to filch a joke about an even lesser jurist, Rudy “Just Adjusting My Pants” Giuliani). A three-judge Circuit Court has upheld Beshear’s ban on in-person classes in public and private schools because the virus has killed more than 2,000 Kentuckians so far. But religious schools think the Gods are smarter than the scientists. Pope Francis wrote in a New York Times editorial that some governments have not taken measures to curb the virus. “But most governments acted responsibly, imposing strict measures to contain the outbreak. Yet some groups protested, refusing to keep their distance, marching against travel restrictions — as if measures that governments must impose for the good of their people constitute some kind of political assault on autonomy or personal freedom!”

Thorn: Might I suggest a side of COVID?

Speaking of dopes, dozens of restaurateurs say they will open their dining rooms Dec. 14 to half capacity even if Beshear extends the full shutdown to save the lives of their diners and restaurant workers. You know they are on the wrong side of science and the issue because U.S. Rep. Thomas “I Did Not Go To MIT For Reading Comprehension” Massie supports the rebellion.

Thorn: We are shocked — not!

A Courier Journal analysis found that Louisville police “disproportionately targeted Black residents living in the West End for ‘no-knock’ search warrants like the one that led officers to Breonna Taylor’s door the night they fatally shot her.”