Thorns & Roses: The Worst & Best

Mar 8, 2017 at 10:34 am
Thorns & Roses: The Worst & Best

The little state that should  |  Rose

Kentucky is a small state, but somehow we seem to get more than our share of national attention, good and bad. It happened again last week as President tRump, in his remarks to Congress, extolled Gov. Matt Bevin for his lie about Obamacare in our state. And then Bevin archenemy, former Gov. Steve Beshear, gave the Democratic rebuttal. We guess the Dems thought Steve’s folksy, Southern-twanged (white) delivery would appeal to the disaffected who voted for No. 45.

For solar users, ‘the sun will come out tomorrow...’  |  Rose

Is it possible that public outcry will beat back utility lobbyists? The solar-power bill, which would make installing panels less attractive for homeowners, appears to be dead, according to The Courier-Journal.

“...Bet your bottom dollar...”

Check yourself, before you...  |  Thorn

House Bill 151 would make it easier for children to attend neighborhood schools. It seems reasonable: Less time spent on buses saves money and time. But the issue is far more complex than Louisville’s Republican Rep. Kevin Bratcher’s simplistic meddling. His bill would destroy efforts to desegregate schools, adding to the damage wrought by decades of discriminatory housing rules, also known as redlining. We were glad to see The CJ break its typical editorial silence by running a strong piece in opposition to the bill, a trenchant cartoon by Marc Murphy and historic photos that reminded us of the goal of desegregation and the racist reaction at the time.

Sometimes simple is better  |  Rose

We expect passage of HB 237, which essentially protects grocery stores and others from lawsuits when they donate and distribute tons of food that otherwise would be thrown out.

We don’t believe you  |  Thorn

So... Louisville ranked 44th out of 240 U.S. cities for traffic and 294th out of 1,064 cities worldwide, according to INRIX, a company that provides traffic information. And... what? Lexington ranked 81st nationwide, and 504th in the world? Impossible.  Lex Vegas may be a one-horse town, but its traffic congestion is legendary.