B-Sides: A lift up

Dec 2, 2009 at 6:00 am
B-Sides: A lift up

Chairlift (www.chairliftmusic.com) became one of 2009’s breakout acts the newfangled way: an iPod commercial. Apple used “Bruises,” off Does You Inspire You, for a Nano ad, and the ’lift has risen ever since. Patrick Wimberly, 26, squeezed in a few minutes to talk jazz radio, producing, and how he’s not a songwriter.


LEO: How did you get to be a DJ?

Patrick Wimberly: I started a jazz radio show at the University of Colorado called “Jazz Hole.” I named it after a jazz bar on “The Simpsons” that Bleeding Gums Murphy used to play at. I did that every Saturday afternoon for four years, noon-2 p.m., while also studying jazz at the time and playing jazz vibraphone. I then moved to New York and worked for an Internet radio station called Breakthrough Radio. I continued doing that show until last December, when Chairlift’s touring schedule picked up.


LEO: What was your role in creating Does You?

PW: It was always one of the other two that would bring a song. (My role) was always one as arranger and producer, piecing together song ideas. I don’t really do the songwriting.


LEO: That commercial didn’t hurt.

PW: Apple came to us. We were on tour with Ariel Pink last summer, and we got an e-mail from them when we were coming through L.A. They said they wanted to send somebody to the show. About two weeks later, they sent another e-mail asking if we wanted to be in an ad.


LEO: You’re an Apple guy?

PW: Apple, definitely. Ever since Apple IIe …


LEO: Who are you working with now?

PW: Acrylics. The music centers around good songwriting, which is interesting to me right now, because there are so many bad songs.


Music Cast

Field Holler is the new album by The Bad Reeds. They release it on Dec. 5 at Zanzabar. We talk about their musical about-face and digesting the blues. Listen at Bluegrass Catastrophe, bluecat.leoweekly.com.