Love, Gilda, the documentary about famed American comedian Gilda Radner, is being shown at the Speed Art Museum until Friday, Oct. 5. Directed by Lisa DApolito, the film focuses on the life of Radner, who at 29 landed on the original, 1975 cast of Saturday Night Live. Popular comedians of today read Radners diary entries and reflect on her impact on their own careers in the biopic. While she became known for the characters she portrayed on SNL, most notably Roseanne Roseannadanna and Baba Wawa, Radner went on to make audiences laugh in stage performances and on the big screen. Ovarian cancer would cut her life short. She died on May 20, 1989, at the age of 42. Named in Radners honor, Gildas Club, a nonprofit organization with chapters across America, continues to support those with cancer and their family and friends. Love, Gilda executive producer Alan Zweibel, a former writer for SNL and Its Garry Shandlings Show, conceived many of Radners SNL personas and considered her a close friend. LEO Weekly spoke to the New Yorker by phone earlier this week about Radners legacy.
LEO: In Love, Gilda, Radner says, People want to know what made you funny. And I know what made me funny. My biggest motivation has always been love. What was your motivation in helping to document Radners life? She was my best friend and godmother of our three children. I created a lot of her characters when we were both doing Saturday Night Live. What can I say? Ive written a book called Bunny, Bunny about she and I. That became a play, and it looks like its going to go to Broadway next year. Gildas just a part of me. Shes a part of my wife Robin. So when the opportunity came along we jumped on it. We wanted to add to Gildas legacy.
A new generation now watches SNL, one that might not know Radner. How does Gildas humor transcend the decades? I think everyone still knows Gilda. I think that was shown in the movie by Amy Poehler and Bill Hader and Cecily Strong looking through her stuff. As far as the viewers are concerned, youd be surprised how many of them know who Gilda was. They know the history of the show. Im not quite sure they dont know who she is. And if they dont know who she is initially, they eventually learn.
Do you think her humor does transcend decades? It wasnt necessarily 70s, 80s, but it was something that people now can still relate to? Well, yeah audiences go nuts when they see the movie, no matter how old they are. Theyre laughing ... And they fall in love with her, and they cry when she gets sick.
The documentary discusses Radners impact on women in comedy. In what ways did she open doors for female comics that followed her? Its all throughout the whole movie. Either interviews with Amy Poehler, Bill Hader, Cicely Strong and Maya Rudolph, they talk about Gilda and how they were influenced by her. Amy Poehler talks about when she couldnt think of anything to do in any particular week she was with the show, she and her writer would watch old Gilda sketches and figure out something.
I liked how you used her own words to be the basis of the film. How do you think that helps to communicate her story? Because shes saying it. Shes narrating her own life. So its much more effective than other people telling a narrative.
Thats not something you get very often nowadays, is it? Well, she did a book that had an audio book version of it, so a lot of it is from there.
As a good friend of Radner, what do you think shed want her legacy to be? I think shed want her legacy to be her comedy and also Gildas Clubs, which are all over the country helping cancer patients and their families. Weve been having screenings all over. Its really affecting a lot of people. Ive been doing the talkback after a lot of the screenings, and the one they did yesterday, they screened it for a Gildas club in New York at a theater. It was very touching to see.