The XX are England’s latest indie-rock export, and they arrive with an impressive debut in tow. The dichotomy between male vocalist Oliver Sim and female vocalist Romy Madley Croft hints at an underlying eroticism that carries throughout the entire album, sometimes making their intimate interplay uncomfortable to listen to. The drums jump with classic 1950s skat, while the guitars dance all around the rhythm, and the vocals are a garnish of sad, thoughtful lyrics. When listening to irresistible tunes like “Crystalised” or “Heart Skipped a Beat,” it’s evident this band is only beginning. The passion here almost sounds lazy, not in a bad way — rather the self-loathing, post-break-up, I-don’t want-to-leave-my-house way. Ultimately this is a sexy, parting-ways album that you can hardly finish but never want to end.