"Teachers Only" Comedian Eddie B. Plays Brown Theatre Tonight (Saturday, Aug. 12)

Aug 12, 2023 at 11:13 am
In a perfect turn of events for local parents and educators, comedian Eddie B plays Brown Theatre tonight.
In a perfect turn of events for local parents and educators, comedian Eddie B plays Brown Theatre tonight.

After this week’s JCPS debacle, it is fitting that “Teacher’s Only” comedian Eddie B. (Eddie Brown) plays the Brown Theatre tonight, Saturday Aug. 12 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets for the show are available and range from $29.54 - 64.64

In addition to his standup, the comedian often uses news clips of school mishaps and gives perspective and funny commentary. Jefferson County Public School District is no exception with Eddie B saying what most of the rest of us are thinking about this week’s bussing disaster. He gets it because he is an educator. A former fifth-grade science teacher in Houston, Brown became famous in a video he made, poking fun at the work of being a teacher. 

Needless to say, if you care about education, teachers and need a laugh after a hard week, Eddie B.’s show is not to be missed. 


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