Pandora Productions Closes Its Season With “It Shoulda Been You”

May 15, 2023 at 12:14 pm
Photo provided by the Pandora Productions Facebook page.
Photo provided by the Pandora Productions Facebook page.

Dedicated to telling the stories of LGBTQ+ community, Pandora Productions is now performing its final show of the season. “It Shoulda Been You,” adapted from the original Broadway musical production, will be performed through May 27 at the Henry Clay Theatre (604 South Third Street). 

The play is a comedic take about a Jewish and Catholic couple who are planning a wedding.

“In a world where nothing is what it seems, religions collide, Machiavellian plots are revealed, promises broken, secrets exposed, and hope springs from the most unlikely of places. Is it the latest conflict in the Middle East? No, it’s just the Steinberg wedding. The bride is Jewish. The groom is Catholic. Her mother is a force of nature; his mother is a tempest in a cocktail shaker,” according to information in the production’s press release.

In a classic theme, the bride’s ex-boyfriend crashes the party and the wedding begins to unravel.

“Anything that can go wrong does, and love pops up in mysterious places,” according to the release.

Upcoming show dates include: May 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26 and 27 at 7:30 p.m., May 21 at 5:30 p.m., and May 22 at 7 p.m. Tickets are available online, or by calling (502) 216-5502. They are $22 in advance, or $25 the day of the show.