"Pawn Stars," a popular History Channel reality show centered around some very large men behind a counter telling customers how cool and rare a family heirloom is, only to lowball them into oblivion because, "Hey, that's the best best I can do," is coming to Louisville.
"Rick, Corey and Chumlee are crossing the country and coming to a city near you!" says a Facebook post from the show. According to the post, "Pawn Stars Do America" will film Season 2 of the new spinoff in 14 other cities around the country, including Lexington.
"For the first time, the 'Pawn Stars' are hitting the road to visit some of Americas most exciting places in search of historical finds and impressive collectible objects," says the website.
No exact dates were listed, but anyone interested in pawning their stuff on the show should email [email protected] for more information.
A version of this article was first published at our sister publication Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.