The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage (KCAAH) presents the third annual "Celebrating the Black Experience" exhibition, shining a light on the cultural diversity of descendants of Africa. A curation of visual arts will examine and express the legacy of artists from the Black diaspora. The focus of the exhibition is the multitudinous contributions and achievements that Black art has made in transforming the Black struggle against racism and oppression.
"Celebrating the Black Experience" is co-curated by Aukram Burton, Executive Director of the KCAAH, and Julia Youngblood, founder of Youngblood Harmonizing Arts. The exhibition features 43 works that range in media from painting to photography, from leather appliqué to wood sculpture, by 16 artists from Kentucky, Indiana, Florida, New York, and Virginia: Kalila Abdur-Razzaq, Kevin Board, Lisa A. Brown, Norma Drish, Scott Ferguson, Alex Edison, Sheila Fox, Kelly U. Johnson, Kevin Jones, Laurissa Kabithe, Joyce Kemp, Ronnita Nance, John Roach, George Scott, Desmone Stepp, and Edward White.
An opening reception and gallery talk is April 12. The exhibition will be open until June 21.
Celebrating the Black Experience
The Kentucky Center for African American Heritage
South Gallery
1701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd.
Friday, April 12
5:00 p.m
Free admission