Advice: Savage Love

Lotion up

Oct 23, 2013 at 5:00 am

Q: My girlfriend always responds positively when I initiate sex with her, but she hardly ever initiates sex with me. I’m a no-beat-around-the-bush kind of guy, but I realize that this can be a sensitive topic, and I don’t want to scare her by saying, “Please initiate sex more often!” So I do small things to coax her and let her know I want her to initiate. I will lotion up in front of her after we shower. Or I’ll say something like, “I wanted to fuck last night — maybe you can wear one of your sexy bras and thongs one day soon?” But it hasn’t worked. The only time she’ll initiate is if I haven’t initiated for a while and she’s sexually frustrated. But that can take days!
Girlfriend Rarely Initiates Naked Dance

A: Wow, GRIND, your girlfriend is pretty fucking dense. I’m surprised she remembers to breathe in her sleep.

I mean, she actually heard you say, “I wanted to fuck last night — maybe you can wear one of your sexy bras and thongs one day soon?” and somehow didn’t realize that what you meant was “Please initiate sex more often.” And she’s seen you smearing lotion on yourself after showering and somehow didn’t realize that you wanted her to start initiating sex once in a while. Amazing. A boyfriend smearing lotion on himself — who doesn’t know what that means?

Um. Yeah. No.

Sorry, GRIND, but you’re the dense one in this relationship. “I wanted to fuck last night — maybe you can wear one of your sexy bras and thongs one day soon?” does not auto-translate to “Please initiate sex more often.” The likely takeaway from that statement is “I wanted to fuck last night, but the granny panties/pajama bottoms/hazmat Spanx you were wearing were such a turnoff that I couldn’t get it up. You suck at this girlfriend shit.” And while seeing your boyfriend “lotion up” after a shower may inspire lust, it doesn’t communicate a very specific need like “Please initiate sex more often.” The only thing it communicates for sure is “My boyfriend isn’t going to put up with dry skin.”

You want your girlfriend to initiate sex more often? Tell her you want her to initiate sex more often. Trust me, GRIND, that straightforward request will display more sensitivity to your girlfriend’s feelings — and will be less crazy-making — than a potentially confidence-shredding statement like “Hey, I wanted to fuck you last night but you were wearing the wrong panties,” or the conspicuous application of skin moisturizer.

But even if you’re straight with her, GRIND, things are unlikely to change. She initiates when she’s horny/sexually frustrated, but she obviously has a lower libido than you do and gets horny/sexually frustrated at intervals that leave you frustrated. Your desire for her cranks her up, so she’s good to go when you initiate. But she’s satisfied with less sex — she has a lower libido — and is unlikely to feel the urge to initiate as often as you would like her to regardless.


HATE CRIME: One of the shitbags invited to speak at the gay-bash-a-thon known as the Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C., earlier this month called homophobia a myth. He said gay people are not victims. We are the violent and intolerant ones, he argued, and Bible-believing Christians like him are the real victims. Later that very same day — Oct. 12 — a gay man was attacked in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, in an apparent hate crime. Scott Jones was stabbed twice in the back and his throat was slashed. He survived the attack, but his spinal cord was severed and he is now paralyzed from the waist down. Scott is Canadian and has access to high-quality medical care because socialism. But Scott faces a long struggle, and there will be expenses — retrofitting his home, loss of income — that he’ll need help with. If you have a few bucks or loonies to spare, please consider making a donation at

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