Your Voice


On: editor’s note, developers win again

Heaven forbid that the Metro Council would vote to approve the assessment on real estate transactions that would fully fund the Louisville Affordable Housing Trust Fund! That’s how you help a city... not by big-business, welfare giveaways like this to Fluornoy or to Cordish Cos. —John Schwartzlose

... Flimflam Flournoy [Companies] will sell this carbon-copy cutout before the cheap drywall paint has cured ...

—Debra Richards Harlan

On: thorns and roses, Gov. Bevin hires pastor as adoption czar

[Gov. Matt] Bevin is following through on his goal to get more KY children into “Christian” homes, by appointing the senior VP of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary as the new “adoption czar.” While social workers get (under) paid less than $40,000 a year, he will get paid $240,000 and be eligible for bonuses. [He] will also continue to help at the Seminary, an extremely anti-LGBT religious institution. Not coincidentally, the Bevin Center for Mission Mobilization is housed at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. One can just imagine how his lack of qualification, religious beliefs and homophobia will help shape the face of our adoption system and the children within it. —Kentuckians Against Matt Bevin

On: Undercover

Punishment over treatment... where have we heard this before? I expect better of Mayor Fischer. —Rbin Mrie

Louisville is at a breaking point. Safety should be paramount. —Zachary Douglas

on: Why we ride, River Road is for people

How about riding single file to allow better flow of traffic on roads without bike lanes? How about not riding on the very left edge of the bike lane? —Neil Patrick

on: So we understand why they built Civil War monuments in Kentucky

You forget that dead bodies of Southern sons, fathers, husbands, etc. were left to rot in shallow graves, battlefields, small towns and fields ... These ladies were the ones who went and dug up the bodies they knew of and moved them. They are the ones who raised money for headstones and grave yards, etc. ... It is deeper than, and not as simple, as you try make it, and the Confederate daughters were formed out of burying their dead themselves. —Melanie Faulk