Public schools in Fayette County are posting framed, enlarged copies of the back of the $1 bill to comply with a new state law that requires all schools to display prominently In God We Trust. The GOP should be totally down with this brilliant workaround because it satisfies the law and pays homage to this nations bedrock, founding ethos The chief business of the American people is business. That was said by another shitgibbon president, Calvin Coolidge, as he shepherded us into the Great Depression. Sound familiar? Praise the lord and pass the bucket...
Rose: Mitch And Mr. Jones, They Got A Thing Going On...
A rose goes to sports radio bullhorn Matt Jones on news that he is co-writing a book-length political broadside on U.S. Mitch McConnell. Courier Journal political cartoonist and sometimes LEO contributor Marc Murphy designed the cover of Mitch, Please! due for release in the summer of 2020, just before the election. Jones, a progressive Democrat, told the Washington Post he is going to decide shortly whether to run against McConnell, although he would first have to take on Democratic machine pick Amy McGrath and outsider Michael Broihier. Said Jones: When Amy McGrath is backed by the Democratic establishment, youre looking at trying to take down two establishments, and thats harder.
Thorn: #RiverLinkStinks
If you are from out of state, dont worry too much about RiverLink tolls, WDRB reports. RiverLink could not get billing information on hundreds of thousands of those motorists last year, meaning they got free crossings. Not you, though!
Thorn: Last Months News Today
Heres more indication that the CJ is trying to kill the printed paper in favor of online. It posted a story (a good one!) on city recycling woes July 23 but just put it on the front page on Aug. 20! Guess it feels readers who buy Amish heaters and hearing aids wont notice.
Thorn: Let The Brown-Nosing Begin
And, finally, one big F You to tRump for closing downtown Wednesday just so he can campaign for himself and his dummy, Gov. Matt Mortimer Snerd Bevin.