Absurd: Sorta Slots Good,
Casino Gambling Bad
A Courier Journal story updating Churchill Downs purchase of Turfway Park last fall included a fascinating nugget that exposes Kentuckys hypocritical, conflicted relationship with gambling. Forget that the state sanctions, no, celebrates horse racing and that you can throw away our money on the lottery a bazillion ways. If you want to play slot-like machines, look no further than Churchills Derby City Gaming on Poplar Level Road. The state (so far) allows only historical racing terminals, which let players bet on replays of horse races. The state does not view them as slots, but... The CJ story says Derby City reported the total amount bet was more than $1 billion during its first 13 months. Churchills so-called sorta slots were credited with siphoning $20.6 million in monthly slots revenues from Caesars Southern Indiana in the first full month after Derby City opened in September 2018, the paper said. Turfway will get 1,500 of these games, the CJ reported. But will the intellectually-constipated state legislature allow casino gambling? Nooooooooo!
Absurd: So...Then, He Really Wasnt Doing A Crossword Puzzle!
U.S. Sen. Rand Paul was doing a crossword puzzle during the Senate impeachment trial. All smart people do crossword puzzles, his spokesman told ABC News. This led us to attempt an exercise in logic: If smart, then...
Absurd: But He Is A Bootlicker
Republican state Sen. Stephen Meredith from Leitchfield withdrew a bill that would have empowered police to stop you, demand your ID and require you to explain what you are doing. He said backlash over the bill included that he was called a communist, a fascist, a racist, a bootlicker, scum, un-American idiot, an old, wrinkled, white guy, which I obviously cant deny, but I dont know its anything germane at hand.
Rose: Oh... High, Dale!
We almost want to retract the criticism we made about Dale Woods, who is WDRBs president and general manager and who took over for the feckless Bill Lamb. Why? Lets be honest, Woods said in a recent Point of View, Kentuckians are already growing marijuana. Its time for the state to legitimize the pot industry and start taxing its way to prosperity. Video at 4:20.