Thorns & Roses: The Best & Worst (6/15)

Jun 15, 2016 at 11:51 am
Thorns & Roses: The Best & Worst (6/15)

#WeAreOrlando (Rose)

Louisvillians, once again showing class and unity, walked the Big Four Bridge and held a candlelight vigil to mark the atrocity in Orlando. Mayor Greg Fischer was there with hundreds of others. Maybe we really are a Compassionate City. Now #WeAreOrlando

Ali Part 1: A parting gift (Rose)

The world focused on Louisville, and we did ourselves proud. The solidarity shown through the outpouring of love for Muhammad Ali, and the interdenominational, multi-neighborhood, civil, courteous gathering, perhaps was his last gift to us. May we all remember this day of singular purpose when conflict in the city seems inevitable.

Ali Part 2: the Ninth Street divide (Rose)

His death caused some of us to reflect on the segregation that Ali fought against, and the segregation that remains in Louisville, albeit to a lesser degree. The more light we focus on this problem, the sooner it will be addressed. Ali paid his rent. Now let’s pay ours.

Ali Part 3: How low can you go? (Thorn)

Ali memorial ticket scalpers. Bottom feeders.

Get the guv some glasses (Thorn)

Gov. Matt “Tweet-Happy” Bevin spied a piece of heart-shaped brown gum, or shit, on the sidewalk and had an epiphany. “Sometimes you find small signs of encouragement in the most unusual places. (Sidewalk at the Capitol)?#WeAreKY”) We say he must be blind if he finds a message in sidewalk schmutz, but he cannot see how he is crippling the state with his absurd, mean-spirited directives aimed at women, students and the poor. Maybe he needs to find a real heart.

Bevin’s tweets (Rose)

No matter how much you think he and his administration are evil and misinformed, Bevin’s Twitter spew is the funniest thing going. Thanks for that.

The speed of competition (Rose)

The Metro Council approved a franchise agreement last week for Google Fiber, which is deciding whether to grace us with its zippy internet service. The first hint of Google coming to Louisville was in September 2015. AT&T and Time Warner have announced plans for faster internet speeds, too. Competition is good.