The winners of — and answers to — LEO’s 2005 Not-Good-For-Nothing Quiz

Jan 12, 2006 at 3:37 pm

“Only a good-for-nothing is not interested in his past.” —Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis

And the winners are … Several readers entered LEO’s annual year-end quiz contest, and those with the most correct answers were put into a drawing for some cool prizes. The lucky (and smart) ones are:

First place: Larry West (wins: $50 gift certificate to Lilly’s and two tickets to see Art Garfunkel at The Palace)

Second place: Brian Sabo ($25 gift certificate to Mitchell’s Fish Market and two tickets to Louisville Orchestra’s production of “Winter Dreams”)

Third place: Tamar Byczek (two tickets to Actors Theatre’s production of “I Am My Own Wife”)

And the answers are … 1. B 2. F (Hell is social fiction, created by cynics to scare a superstitious populace into behaving according to their rules. But if you chose G — All of the above — go ahead and score a point, just in case I’m wrong about that whole hell thing.) 3. D 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. True (As consolation, note that time speeds up as you get older.) 10. C 11. D 12. C 13. L 14. C (A is fake. B is Jeffrey Hopper. D is James “Chris” Herrell.) 15. C (Bloom was comparing Louisville to other places he’s filmed movies. He was joking, but went on to say, “But seriously, you can’t beat that Southern hospitality. When we arrived in Louisville, people were baking cakes for us. We left with a wink, a wave and a smile from everyone.”) 16. E (Both restaurants qualify for exemptions based on the way the law lets restaurants calculate percentages of sales from alcohol.) 17. B 18. I 19. I (A: Hunter S. Thompson; D: Muhammad Ali.) 20. C 21. I (You can’t get this one wrong.) 22. D 23. D 24. B (Couple C is totally made up, just because Dawne Gee Whiz would be such a cool name.) 25. False (Her net worth grew $480 million.) 26. D 27. C 28. C 29. A 30. A 31. A (29-31: All are lyrics from My Morning Jacket’s critically acclaimed album Z.) 32. B 33. B (Giacomo won the Derby and was named for Sting’s son. Preakness and Belmont winner Afleet Alex was named for Alexandra Scott, who charmed millions through her cancer fundraising.) 34. E 35. I

Contact quiz writer Jim Welp at [email protected]