Dear Oracle,
I feel stuck in my current job. I dont feel appreciated there and feel like I dont have much room to grow. However, I havent had much luck with applying elsewhere. How can I survive this position until something better comes along?
-Looking for Greener Pastures
Cards: Knight of Cups (rev), Ace of Pentacles (rev.), The Hanged Man (rev.), Waning Gibbous
Dear Green,
This damn Waning Gibbous is screwing everything up. Its a card about letting go and comes at the very end of the spread, which makes for two possible but completely opposite interpretations. The whole spread either means A.) Start doing this and let go of expectations OR B.) Stop doing these things. And unfortunately, they both seem like reasonable answers to me in this context.
So here are the two possibilities:
A.) For this job, I think you need to play the game a little more. It would be great if work was really based on merit, but often, its not; its based on connections. With the emotionally intelligent Knight of Cups next to the work-work-work Ace of Pentacles, I think you might need to work on your networking a bit more. With The Hanged Man, I think you might be misunderstood in your company and feel like youre putting in much effort without reward. It might be because your boss doesnt see it, for whatever reason (personal bias? Kind of spacey? Large company?), so it might help to make a more solid impression. However, if you make more of an impression, that might help with your growth. For the Waning Gibbous, you have to let go of the idea that your hard work will be the only thing that matters. Networking isnt fun for many peopleit can feel braggy or artificialbut personal relationships can carry you far.
B.) This might be a job that you need to let go of. With the only Major Arcana being the sacrificial Hanged Man, you might be martyring yourself for no good reason. Having three reversed cards might suggest that youve been trying to put in a good effort, be a team player (Knight of Cups), and keep your eye on the prize (Ace of Pentacles), but this might be the best it gets. With the releasing energy of the Waning Gibbous, you might need to let go of these actions and stop sacrificing for this joband really start looking for another.
Im unsure which way youre leaning, but hopefully, one of these makes sense. You might even marry the two and start networking more in order to find a better job. I do know that something has to changeyou arent happy and the current avenue isnt providing many opportunitiesso you could try path A first and, if that feels wrong, head down path B.
Im sorry Im not able to provide a more precise answer.
Best of luck.
Dear Oracle,
I know its cliché, but Id like to have a better relationship with my husbands parents. Things arent bad theyre just not very warm. Any advice for improving relations with the in-laws?
Cards: King of Cups, Queen of Wands, Six of Swords, The Hermit (All reverse.)
Dear Daughter,
Since writers were making overbearing mother-in-law jokes in Ancient Rome, one might guess that in-law drama has been around for about as long as marriage has. It might be cliché, but that doesnt mean there havent been plenty of people who have felt like you over the centuries.
With all these cards in reverse, Im guessing this has been an issue for years rather than something creeping up now.
Starting off the King of Cups, I bet you want to improve relations for your husbands sake. Maybe he has a dreamy idea that all of you could be a happier family, and you would like to make that true. But, this relationship is between you and your in-lawsand in reality, theres little that he can do.
You mention that the relationship isnt very warm, and as the Queen of Wands, that warmth needs to come from your side. You might have to be the generous and giving one, even if they dont make as much effort in return, and you have to accept that imbalance. Its not ideal but it may help. But remember: the Queen of Wands can be fiery, so be mindful not to torch any bridges if you feel slighted.
However, the Six of Swords reminds us that relationships are a two-way street. It can be a card of transition and change; if you all want to move forward, that can happen. But, if someone is holding a grudge or just not interested, then theres only so far that boat can float.
The Hermit is the only Major Arcana here, and I think its doing some heavy lifting. It can be a card of a strong inner life and being misunderstood by outsiders. Its possible that you and your in-laws may be missing something about each other that can hopefully be rectified with conversation and mutual growth. But The Hermit is also a reminder that we have but one life on this earth and to live it wildly. If you try and try and your in-laws dont want to be kind to you, let go of the dream (or your husbands dream) that things will be better. You can judge how much energy you want to put into being civil with them and maintaining a cordial relationship. (I do recommend you aim for cordial simply because your husband loves them and loves you, and that makes it easier for all parties.) But you dont need to go out of your way to deepen your relationship if you think they have no interest. Just show up to Thanksgiving with a pie and light-hearted conversation and leave it at that. A deep relationship would be wonderful, but if its not on the table, dont lose yourself trying to find it.