Inbox — Sept. 10, 2008

Letters to the Editor

Sep 10, 2008 at 11:06 am


Last week’s story “The fog of more” (LEO Weekly, Sept. 3) incorrectly referred to the Partnership for a Green City’s Climate Change Committee as Climate Control Committee. The story referenced a report released by that committee that said, in part, certain data was unavailable to assess how much solid waste was produced by several major local bodies and agencies. And it referenced a recent Brookings Institution study that measured Louisville’s greenhouse gas emissions, not the whole of our air pollution. 



The Louisville Climate Action Network would like to clarify that although unavailable data renders the preliminary estimate of Louisville’s carbon footprint an underestimate, we very much believe it is quite good enough to justify concerted community action now (referring to “The fog of more,” LEO Weekly, Sept. 3).

Experts believe that, whether it’s McCain or Obama, the U.S. will soon sign an international treaty that will, with Louisville’s dependence on coal and private transportation, put us squarely behind the eight ball.  

That we have some of the nation’s cheapest electricity rates leads us to also have some of its highest utility bills. Simply put, we have been wasting what we have seen as inexpensive. But when a cap-and-trade system penalizes climate-warming emissions, electricity and natural gas prices will get our attention, just as higher gasoline prices have.

Louisville can meet the challenge and strengthen our economy by taking advantage of numerous opportunities to boost energy efficiency as alternate sources of energy are expanded. For example, Louisville homes commonly have 5 square feet or more of holes between the inside and outdoors. Why continue to pay higher utility bills when we can tighten our building envelopes, reduce our carbon footprints, cut other air pollutants and improve public health?

We need only a strong action plan, a commitment to implement it and creative, can-do leadership.  

Want to know more? Louisville CAN offers free presentations to community groups, houses of worship, businesses, etc. Learn more by visiting or writing to P.O. Box 4594, 40204.

Sarah Lynn Cunningham, Louisville



Attn: Ricky Jones:

The perplexing phenomenon attributable to the juxtaposition of McCain, Obama (which, on its surface, is tantamount the effortless contrasting of amoebae and paramecium) is unquestionably and particularly exigent to the constricted intelligence of both the xenophobe and the politically not conversant. However, whilst the perplexities of their stupefaction are most assuredly taxing their intellectual confines, their dilemmas are invigorating to the investigators of psychological quandaries, thereby energizing epistemologists the world over.

Ah, Doc, it is so comforting to know that there are others here from our planet “Intelligential.” It is good to hear the native tongue of intelligence spoke. Now let me try to answer your question in a language that all can understand. How is John McCain doing it?

GOB from Georgia, this is an easy one, and I know you know the answer to it, as does the rest of the world. Many Caucasian-Americans don’t want to publicly admit it, and unfortunately many African-Americans are either too afraid or too caught up in the blinding emotionalism of the moment to admit it. Barack Obama tries so hard to be a non-racial candidate, but the chickens are coming home to roost. The melanin in his skin will be the reason McCain wins.

The very thing he’s running from is the very thing that is catching up to him. McCain is not doing it. Barack’s race is the thing affecting this race. American politics is equated to war, and in this war, America only wants to know your name, race and religious affiliation. Barack Hussein Obama has struck out on all three questions.

Obama is running one of the best campaigns in American politics. Consequently (juxtaposed), John McCain is conducting one of the weakest campaigns. Yet, he is either ahead or slightly behind in most polls. Ask America to remove her blinders for just a moment and answer me this question: If Barack Obama was a white Christian named Williams Lynch, would he still be so close in the polls?

Dr. Ricky L. Jones, the next time you give the class a pop quiz, give a more complex question!

Mustafa Rasul Al-Amin, Louisville



Attn: Ricky Jones:

As you know very well, McCain isn’t doing it at all. Older white people’s fear of the black man is doing it. I’m a 67-year-old white woman, raised in Alabama, who graduated from the University of Alabama the year George Wallace stood in the schoolhouse door. I’m voting for Barack Obama anyway.

Lynda Ann Miller, Louisville



Pot. Kettle. Black.

Let’s start with the truth. I can’t disagree with Rick Redding’s recounting of The Courier-Journal’s recent trials and tribulations, not to mention the instances of out-and-out unethical behavior (LEO Weekly, Aug. 27).

Now, the important caveat: I also can’t give Redding much credit for his article. His work is little more than a running account of events, most of which are known or able to be known if one engages in a little critical analysis. I would think that if Redding was interested in actually highlighting what good journalism is, he would have exhibited such behavior himself. Something more than a laundry list — say analysis of the timeline and/or a prediction of where these events may lead — would have sufficed.

Lucky for you guys and gals, I’m not ready to put The C-J and LEO on exactly the same page. Poor writing is one crime; unethical behavior is a different beast altogether. I will say, though, I probably would have not read Redding’s column at all had my girlfriend not had the issue laying on her coffee table. LEO may not be The C-J, but it’s also not holding “mandatory read” status in my life these days. Luckily, I still have hope for LEO. Hope went out the door at The C-J the same day the Binghams did.

Matthew Dowell, Louisville

Editor’s note: Hey Matthew, tell your girlfriend we said thanks. While you’re at it, you may also want to ask her, being a regular reader, how many articles we’ve run in the past three years giving detailed analysis and predictions of the imminent disaster of Gannett. We apologize to you for not putting it all in this particular article. As you know, a lot has happened over there in that time. 



Outrageous! The Original Highlands Neighborhood Association is trying to block Wayside Christian Mission from relocating a homeless shelter to former Mercy Academy school. Years ago, the same association wanted something done about the drunks and loud music along Baxter and Barret Avenue corridors. They found a way to accommodate the rowdy crowds — they got together with the bar and restaurant owners and worked something out. 

Councilman Tom Owens, then Alderman Owens, got involved and, with his help, it was resolved. Yet now, not a peep from him. The Wayside Christian Mission is about helping those who have fallen on hard times and integrating those who have fallen on hard times back into a respectful place in society. It’s not about changing the Highlands neighborhood. Members of the neighborhood association are more concerned about their property values. How cruel can a group of snobs be? Those of you in the Highlands area who support Barack Obama and are against Wayside Mission’s move should remove your yard signs. Bunch of phony economic bigots! 

Keith E. Lewis, Louisville