Gannett Watch

Apr 29, 2008 at 7:50 pm

Last week, in our zeal to lob grenades at our friends from Gannett, we said the company’s most recent earning reports show it losing money. We should’ve said GCI profits declined from stratospheric to superhuman levels. (We also, in our Derby rant, incorrectly referred to HerStyle when we should’ve said HerScene. We regret our own stupidity.)

What else? Well, according to The Courier-Journal, the newspaper will send a small army to Churchill Downs this weekend — three dozen staff and freelance photographers and reporters shooting still pictures and video, with tens of thousands of photos planned for the paper’s website. It boggles the mind, and raises the awe-inspiring possibility of actually photographing every single person at the Downs. Welcome to the new New Journalism.