Reviews of locals should never take budget into account; when a Jalin Roze can create major-label quality on a day-job budget, excuses are unacceptable. Rnbw Mzk is bad. Poorly recorded and mixed, the shoestrings here are frayed, knotted things. The vocals are all over the place, the beat is suggested more than adhered to, and the unfinished nature of the whole project is jarring. And yet I hear greatness within these ideas, albeit in zygote form. Rnbw Mzk, as it stands, is a demo; we shouldn’t be hearing this yet. Sltr Dvn is a fantastic singer, in the same school as Goapele or The Spooks’ Ming-Xia, but needs a guiding hand and finance. An earlier unfunded Kickstarter campaign shows. This rainbow needs to find its pot of gold before others see it, or hear it, again.