Soapbox: Where We Know What You're Thinking

Sometimes we even talk back

Trump tweeting from his trial where he was convicted of 34 felonies.
Trump Facebook
Trump tweeting from his trial where he was convicted of 34 felonies.

Project 2025, Not Trump?
I wish you people would do more research instead of just jumping on the Trump bashing machine. Listen carefully PROJECT 2025 IS NOT TRUMP, how many times does he have to say it???? —Annie Shumate

He may not “be” Project 2025 but he supports it and is the mechanism by which it could happen.

Gonna Run Democracy

I just read your article about the presidential debate saying that they’re gonna run democracy if you vote for Trump do you realize the gas prices were under two dollars with Trump and her for something now do you realize that the unemployment rate is higher now that we are no longer energy self independent we are literally on the brink of World War III and you think that having selling other behind-the-scenes which is not an American democracy can run the country like it’s been going. It’s an absolute freaking wreck right now. I can’t believe your article. I can’t believe it’s posted like that God love you for your opinion, but your facts are wrong. You’re way off and for the love of God recheck what you’re talking about because God love Biden, but he is absolutely clueless—James W. Snider

We’ll have to take your word for it.

Glad We Were Wrong

Hi. I really appreciated the editor’s note.

Erica Rucker made mention of how there’s no time for us to change a candidate this late in the process.My additional thoughts on this are,and if we’re really paying attention to the media pundits, every single network and every single speaker in dissension mode to the degree that it’s a full-on effort for chaos to happen during our election season and they’re all hoping that Trump becomes the president because they can continue to do all of the corruption that they once able to practice during his presidency.So I believe there’s a bigger picture to look at with the fact that all the pundits are pitching towards President Trump. They’re literally pitching President Trump.—Kristen

Well, we’ve seen what happened since Biden stepped down, and to be fair, it’s turned out pretty good. It’s nice to see Trump and the Republican messaging fall completely apart.

Pot Meet Kettle

What is really scary is that your vote and the vote of every other lie spewing, uninformed idiot like yourself counts as much as mine. I cannot wait to enjoy the misery and depression that you and your liberal friends will feel after Trump’s landslide victory over our current pudding brain, adult diaper wearing president and his coke head son. It’s going to be GREAT!!!!!!!—Aaron Schulz

It’s funny because Trump also fits this description but you’d need to add his 34 convictions. Wild, huh?

A Friend From The West Coast

I have gone from royal blue Louisville, my hometown, to upside down American flags in Central Washington where I continue 19 years as a public defender.

I stay connected to the Derby city thankfully with the LEO. I’m most grateful for your recent editorial. You sounded the call to the starting gates with four months remaining. Now, how do [we] finish and keep the White House?

We frame it as a race to mold and change the Supreme Court. A vote for Biden is a chance to maintain rights and protections that the current Court make-up is undermining!


You and I start by emailing 10 allies and frame the argument in terms of party or the future Court. We ask those 10 to email 10 more. We have to pull everyone passionately together under a banner of unity.

I hope my email encourages you just as you encouraged me!—Charles Rogalinski

Thank you for reading LEO all the way in Washington. We’re on the other side now of Biden leaving the race but so far, it feels like a clearer path opened.