5 Things To Do In Louisville This Weekend

old vinyl record on the wooden table, selective focus


VinylFest  Crowne Plaza Hotel 830 Phillips Lane $4–$20; 10 a.m. For all you vinyl-loving sonic purists out there, get ready to add a few more choice records to your collection this weekend. VinylFest, an indie music festival, will have vinyl records to flick through, tons of music memorabilia and plenty of live indie music. You can also get your records appraised by Louisville’s own DJ Matt Anthony or get your face put on your very own bootleg album cover. It’s an event no vinyl junkie should miss!

The All-Star Comedy Show The Laughing Derby 1250 Bardstown Road $10; 7:15 p.m. The Laughing Derby is home to some of the city’s best comedians, and this Friday is they are hosting their monthly showcase “The All-Star Comedy Show.” A rotating line-up that highlights the best in professional comedy, this weekend’s roster features Mike Armstrong, Keith McGill, Rich Ragains, Patrick Passafiume and David Bizanes. And don’t forget, heckling is for asshats.


World’s Largest Disco Ball, Y’all Headliners 1386 Lexington Road  $10; 9 p.m. Louisville produces 90 percent of the world's disco balls, but we are not home to the world’s largest disco ball, which is total bullshit. So, thank you to Headliners and others for throwing this party to raise enough money to build the world's largest disco ball right here in Louisville. The plan is to build a 67-foot diameter disco ball which will be donated to the city of Louisville for display at events like Forecastle. Tony and the Tanlines, among others, will be providing the live music. There will also be a dance off contest and a best dressed competition.

The Butchertown Get Down: “8 Mile” with Dwight Johnson Play 1101 E. Washington St. $10; 9 p.m. The Butchertown Get Down, a weekly film-themed dance party at PLAY dance bar, will be Eminem and “8 Mile”-themed this weekend. Dwight Johnson will be spinning a “8 Mile”-inspired set. And, as always, the night ends in a midnight drag show, and RSVPs get in for free!


Resurrection Sunday  The Cure Lounge 1481 S. Shelby St. $5; 7 p.m. Looking for the cure to your Sunday blues? (Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.) The Cure Lounge is hosting Resurrection Sunday, where you can enjoy a night of circus sideshow fun with Tinderbox Sideshow, some burlesque with Hot Damn! and some live music by punk band Rotten Cores featuring Dr. Sick on the fiddle and the electronica band Stronger Sex. And I almost forgot, there's bingo!