A Q&A with artist Jane Morgan, plus five art events that you should go to

[The above painting is "Nocturnal 3" by Penny Diamond, who is represented by Jane Morgan Gallery.]

Painter Jane Morgan is the owner of her self-titled gallery at 4838 Brownsboro Center (janemorgangallery.com) that specialized in plein air art. The current exhibition, “Paths in Nature” (it runs through March 14), features 14 artists that the gallery represents.

LEO: For someone who doesn’t know the term, what is en plein air?

Jane Morgan: Plein air painting is a French term meaning “on site” or “open air.”

LEO: I understand you founded the Plein Air Painters of Kentucky. Tell us about that.

JM: Yes, there was a group of us that painted together. Some of us had gone to college together, majoring in fine arts. We had been taking workshops with other artists and we all decided we would set up our own group. I was delegated to be the leader of the group. Therefore, in 1998, I founded the Plein Air Painters of Kentucky, which is still going strong today.

LEO: How long has your gallery been open? At one time you represented other artists beside plein air painters. When and why did you decide to represent their work extensively?

JM: This is the second gallery I have owned. I have been in the present location going into my ninth year. I did have exhibits for other artists and individuals that painted still life, figures, portraits … pottery, etc. However, there didn’t seem to be a gallery in town that showed plein air work exclusively and since that is what we focused on, I thought it was a good opportunity for the gallery and the artists to take advantage of this opportunity.

LEO: How many artists does the gallery represent now?

JM:  Currently, there are 33 artists in The Plein Air Painters of Kentucky group; however, I only represent 14 of these artists exclusively.

LEO: “Paths of Nature” is the gallery’s current exhibition? What should visitors expect to see?

JM: This exhibit … is by the 14 artists that the gallery represents. These paintings will show every step while painting en plein air as you are virtually taking or walking down a path in nature. Hopefully, this will bring back memories to the one who is viewing this work. If one would take the time to observe nature, they would find all the beauty that God created for all of us to see and enjoy. We are so busy with our everyday lives that we fail to walk slow enough to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us! So, while you are out walking in nature, stop and take a look at all the beauty around you, and then stop by the gallery one day to see what each artist captured while painting on site. Once you do this, you will never look at a painting again without “seeing what the artist saw” while they were painting on location.

Top Five Art Events 

“The New Art of the Loom: Contemporary International Tapestry” and “Looming Local: Contemporary Kentucky Tapestry,” both at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft through Jan. 25.

FAT Friday Trolley Hop on Jan. 30.

“The Music of the Pigments” by Shannon K. Lockhart at Wayside Expressions Gallery through Feb. 2.

“Ashley Brossart: Terminating Vistas, The Sequence Series & The Original Louisville Neighborhood Series” at CRAFT(s) through Feb. 2.

“Double Vision” at PYRO Gallery through Feb. 15.