Twit of a trustee (Thorn)
We all know that Gov. Matt Twitter-clown Bevin has a problem filtering his tweets. So it is fitting that he would appoint as a UofL trustee Douglas Cobb, who also suffers from Twitter-rhea: He has tweeted, among other idiocies, his disagreement with scientists over global warming, and said being gay isnt compatible with Christianity. After Cobb told WDRB he would not delete his tweets, he then deleted his Twitter account, according to The Courier-Journal.
Do the right thing! (Rose)
Mayor Greg Fischer is doing the right thing. After saying he would not push lawmakers to allow local gun-control laws, he said at a rally that we need to give cities and counties ... the right to protect their communities, according to The Courier-Journal, which also reported that Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer, R-Georgetown, then tweeted: This is not going to happen. #NoDemGunGrab, and later, Patchwork of gun laws is horrible idea.
PARC this (Thorn)
Parking meters will now charge $1.75 an hour, up 25 cents. That hike, and the $5 one for garages, will raise $500,000 for the city. At least parking remains free on Sundays when there is little reason to come downtown.
Sweet music man (Rose)
Man-about-town, unofficial mayor and musician Micah Chandler set down his violin for a moment and it was stolen. Many Louisvillians stepped up to help, and The Doo Wop Shop music store gave Chandler a new one. I thank God. I wouldnt be here if I didnt have so much support, Chandler said, according to a WDRB report.
Doing the right thing again! (Rose)
U.S. Rep. John Yarmuth, our beloved founder, is giving his congressional salary to 17 Louisville charities. His salary in 2015 was $174,000. Yarmuth has donated more than $1 million to Louisville charities since pledging to donate his salary during the 2006 campaign. I can think of no better use of my salary than to help the organizations picking up Congresss slack, he said.
#WeHelpedOrlando (Rose)
Play Nashville and Play Louisville said it has raised $75,206 for the workers and families of Pulse nightclub. Without the generosity of you, local leaders and sponsors, this could not have been possible! the nightclub said on its Facebook page.