Make ’em Proud
The U of L Brandeis School of Law dean says Darryl Isaacs is the area lawyer typical Kentuckians would name first (regarding the cover story in the April 4 LEO Weekly). Could a sharper contrast between an alum and his school’s namesake be found? Louis Brandeis devoted his life to helping aggrieved people by passionately defending principles of law, not enticing them to cash in on their misfortune.
Though many lawyers advertise on television, Isaacs’ singularly dumbed-down appeals to instant gratification serve as a daily insult to Brandeis’ legacy.
George Morrison, Cherokee Triangle
Big, Bad Critic
A word of warning to local musicians: Damien McPherson is ready to crush your dreams and stomp on your soul. At least that’s the impression I was given after reading his review of Wyndell Williams’ Songtown (LEO Weekly, March 28), which comes off as not so much a review as an unwarranted, vitriolic personal attack. Perhaps Williams stole McPherson’s girlfriend back in high school, or maybe didn’t play his song request at a TARC bus venue? Or maybe McPherson dislikes it when an artist doesn’t know “his place,” as can be inferred by his reference to Williams as just a wedding singer/cover band artist.
With all the major-label-backed dreck today that passes for music, McPherson couldn’t find one positive thing to say about Songtown — especially when one considers the time, money and effort it must take an artist to write, compose and release an album on their own? To find comparisons between “Iowa State” and Garth Brooks’ “Friends in Low Places,” and then to call them “eyebrow-raising,” I find it to be worthy of eye-rolling. And Huey Lewis? Really? It makes one question whether McPherson even really listened to the album. So much for supporting a local artist. To all LEO readers: Take a listen and judge for yourselves.
Tanya Haycraft, Highlands
More TARC Routes
Those of us who live in New Albany (I live less than a mile away from the Sherman Minton Bridge) and work in downtown Louisville do not have the luxury that David Eugene Blank does in having TARC buses run every 10 minutes (regarding Inbox letter in the April 4 LEO Weekly). Buses run ranging from 25 minutes to 40 minutes, and I have to go through two other cities to get to Louisville. Leaving at 7:20 a.m. when I have to be at work at 8 a.m. would get me there 20 minutes late. I would have to leave my house, which is less than 6 miles away from my work, at 6:45 a.m. to get there by 8 a.m. Blank should do his homework before ranting about those of us who “insist on driving single-occupancy vehicles during peak hours,” or better yet, get on TARC to get more routes for us Hoosiers.
Wini M. Moyen, New Albany
All in the Stars
Finally, we get the all-important correction. Sorry, not correction of Paul Ryan’s cruel deception in his 2012 Budget Proposal — but director James Cameron’s admission that his 99-percent perfect “Titanic” film does have one error. The stars in the 1912 sky are positioned incorrectly, and the 3-D film version places them perfectly. No word about why he did not cut many minutes from sprawling scenes of the stars during the frantic sinking. Someone wrote that an extra wore a digital watch in one frame that was not edited — who knows if that is a fact or a tease to keep Cameron forever in the cutting room.
Today’s editing is about not-seeing-the-forest-for-the-trees. In this instance, self-important Cameron’s blindsided perspective. This is certain to guarantee Cameron a ton of mail from historians, sociologists and film scholars mentioning more important considerations than star placement.
Meanwhile, superstar Paul Ryan has no plan to go near the editing room. Word is now circulating that we simply misread Ryan’s fraudulent script — and Ryan’s wonderful budget proposal will accomplish miracles by closing countless loopholes — and saving the Republicans’ sinking ship!
Michael Gregoire, St. Matthews