An excerpt of the proposed ?tree ordinance

WHEREAS, the 2015 Louisville Urban Tree Canopy Assessment found that there was 37 percent canopy coverage overall in Louisville Metro as of 2012, a 3 percent loss from 2004 to 2012; an average of 54,000 trees have been lost per year over the eight year period studied; threats associated with invasive pests could lead to an additional 10-17 percent loss in the future; continued loss threatens to have a negative impact on public health and quality of life of Louisville Metro citizens; and Louisville trees provide approximately $330 million in annual benefits, including annually intercepting over 18 billion gallons of stormwater, removing 150,000 pounds of carbon monoxide, 4.3 million pounds of ozone, 500,000 pounds of nitrogen dioxide, 600,000 pounds of sulfur dioxide, and 1.2 million pounds of soot, dust and other particulates that irritate human lungs ...