This Louisville Nonprofit Serving LGBTQ+ Houseless Youth Has A New Space And New Services

sweet evening breeze
Photo via Highlands Professional Plaza
Sweet Evening Breeze is now located in Highlands Professional Plaza on Barret Avenue.

Sweet Evening Breeze, an organization that helps houseless LGBTQ+ youth in Louisville, has moved into a larger space to better serve clients.

In December, the organization moved from a tiny workspace downtown into a new space at 801 Barret Ave., which used to be a medical office. They started offering programming this month.

Just to be clear, though, Sweet Evening Breeze is not a shelter –– not currently, at least. Program coordinator Stuart Walker said that they’re working on offering clients residential services within the next two years, either by acquiring a new facility or sharing an existing one with another organization.

What they do currently offer, though, are free services and products for the community: HIV and hepatitis C testing, group therapy for trans people, syringe exchanges, condoms, Narcan and gift cards. They also connect their clients with other organizations in the area. (Although their focus is LGBTQ youth, the organization does not turn anyone away.)

Sweet Evening Breeze is not the only LGBTQ-serving organization in Louisville to move into a larger space: the Louisville Pride Foundation, which has a “close relationship” with Sweet Evening Breeze, according to Walker, is slated to move into two floors of The Asia Intitute-Crane House before June this year.

Walker told LEO that the fact that both groups are expanding their facilities “really speaks to where Louisville is moving forward for the LGBTQ community.”

Sweet Evening Breeze takes its name from the nickname of James Herndon, a Black Lexingtonian who is said to have founded Lexington’s drag scene.

If you’re interested in helping, the organization accepts donations via PayPal. They're also currently running a winter clothing drive from now through March. 

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