THE RULES (please read carefully):
You may submit one entry in a single category or in all of them. Do not include your name or any personal identification on your submissions. Stories, poems or photos with names or personal identification will be disqualified.
PHOTOS: Files must be submitted as a .JPG and in a resolution of at least 200 dpi, with 300 dpi preferred.
SHORT STORIES AND POEMS: Text must be submitted in one of these formats: Word (.DOC or .DOCX) or Rich Text (.RTF). For all entries, the title on the document must match the file name. For instance, if the poem is called Roses, then the file name will be Roses. If the piece does not have a title, then use untitled in the file name and on the document.
CARTOONS: Must be submitted as a .JPG and in a resolution of at least 200 dpi, with 300 dpi preferred. The title on the document must match the file name.
By submitting material, authors grant LEO one-time print publishing rights, including permission to publish material on LEOs website.
LEO employees and regular freelancers are not eligible. Deadline for submissions is midnight on 1/16/22. Winners will be published in the February 16, 2022 issue of LEO Weekly.