[The above image is Carolyns Journals by Carolyn Whitesel from the exhibition BOUND photo credit: Julius Friedman]
Art News
The artists selected for the 2015 New Albany Public Art Project: Today & Tomorrow Series are Lee and Betty Benson of Jackson, Tennessee; Aristotle Georgiades and Gail Simpson of Stoughton, Wisconsin; and Allison Svoboda of Chicago. The works will be located at the Carnegie Center for Art and History, the New Albany YMCA and on the corner of Third and East Market. The community will be able to see the art and meet the artists during the New Albany Public Art Walk scheduled for Saturday, June 6 (carnegiecenter.org).
Hidden Hill Nursery and Sculpture Garden in Utica, Indiana, is open for group tours Thursday through Sunday. The price for groups of 10 or more is $5 each for the Bob Hill-led tour of plants and outdoor sculpture, plus a 10% discount on all purchases (hiddenhillnursery.com).
The University of Louisvilles International Honor Quilt online database is now available to the public (uofl.me/intl-honor-quilt). The IHQ, donated by artist Judy Chicago last year, will be on display in an exhibition in August.
Top five art events
May 1 First Friday Trolley Hop from 5-11 p.m. (firstfridayhop.com)
Opening of Interconnected Web of Words and Watercolors by Ann Lawson Adamek at Thomas Jefferson Unitarian Churchs Marx Gallery, 4936 Brownsboro Road, on Sunday, May 3 at 12:30 p.m. It runs through June 30 (tjuc.org).
Collage & Assemblage 2015 group exhibition at Galerie Hertz, 1253 S. Preston St., through May 7 (galeriehertz.com)
It Is So Beautiful Here by John Brooks at Swanson Contemporary, 638 E. Market St., through May 9 (swansoncontemporary.com)
BOUND: Bindings, Papers, Poems & Book Art by Carolyn Whitesel at the Portland Museum, 2308 Portland Ave., through June 5 (goportland.org)