A new live-action and animated Netflix miniseries, Lost Ollie, tells the story of a stuffed rabbit trying to find his way back to his owner. The four-episode show, which debuted yesterday, stars a collection of celebrities that includes Jonathan Groff, Mary J. Blige, and Gina Rodgriguez.
Two other big stars in the show: the cities of Louisville and Shepherdsville.
Lost Ollie is set in Shepherdsville, and characters in the series visit or see a number of sights in the Louisville area, including the Louisville skyline (and the White Tower, aka the Mercer building, 400 W. Market St.); the Ohio River (aka the Dark River); the Belle of Louisville; Kenwood Drive-In; and Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, where they meet one of Bernheims Forest Giants, Little Nis.
Series creator and executive producer Shannon Tindale, whose more famous work includes Coraline, Megamind, and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, grew up in Shepherdsville. In a press release, he said, Bernheim Forest has always been a magical place for me. When the giants arrived, I knew that I had to incorporate them into Ollies journey. I chose Nis because he is my favorite. I knew the combination of beautiful design and location would feel grand and magical on film. I love that Nis seems to guard the bridge like a troll from Norse mythology!
The show is based on the book Ollie's Odyssey by William Joyce.
Watch the full trailer for Lost Ollie below or check out the series on Netflix at this link.
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