Thorns & Roses: The Worst, Best & Most Absurd (3/20)

Mar 20, 2019 at 11:01 am
Ohio River

Nevertheless, Kentucky justice persisted  |  Rose

No matter how often Gov. Matt Bevin and President tRump accuse the judiciary of being biased, and no matter how good U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell is at seating conservative judges, there still are jurists who follow the law. One is U.S. District Judge David Hale (appointed by President Obama). Hale blocked enforcement, at least temporarily, of Kentucky’s new fetal heartbeat law. It would ban abortions after about six weeks. Hale wrote that: “The Supreme Court has stated in no uncertain terms that regardless of whether exceptions are made for particular circumstances, a state may not prohibit any woman from making the ultimate decision to terminate her pregnancy before viability.” A fetus is deemed viable at about 24 weeks.

Why end the death penalty?  |  Rose

A man was released from prison after serving 12 years on a conviction of having set a fire that killed his infant son and burned an infant daughter. The charges were dropped. A rose goes to the Kentucky Innocence Project and Exoneration Project, which proved that so-called expert testimony at his trial was based on “junk science.”  Imagine if it had been a death penalty case.

But i’m not sick yet!  |  Absurd 

After Jefferson County schools canceled classes — again — because of teacher sickouts, state Rep. Jason Nemes, a Louisville Republican, accused teachers of having called in sick illegally. It is not that simple, apparently. The district spokesperson told the CJ that teachers technically have not taken any sick days... because schools were closed. Smooth move!

Chris Mack daddy details  |  Thorn 

The CJ’s 2,500-word profile of UofL sportsball coach Chris Mack celebrated his attention to detail. Here are details not in that story: He gets paid $4 million a year with possible bonuses totalling $475,000 in a season, the CJ reported earlier. Meanwhile, Kentucky is one of five states to cut higher education funding this fiscal year. Maybe Mack will make a donation.

What was she praying for?!  |  Absurd 

First Lady Glenna Bevin was not injured Monday when she fell off the speaker’s platform during the Governor’s Prayer Breakfast in Lexington.