Leaked Bevin emails!

Jul 19, 2017 at 9:55 am
Bevin emails

Well, LEO’s feature stories this week are about President Trump’s and Gov. Matt Bevin’s media manipulation and transparency. We figured that in the spirit of the Trump family’s email disclosure we’d just go ahead and make our own email discovery… between our dear Gov. Bevin and his chief of staff Blake Brickman. Why not?


Good morning Governor, Someone from the Trump administration just reached out and said they have a very interesting media strategy that would be helpful to you and all of your future plans. Said it would be particularly effective in Kentucky and almost assure your reelection. They’d like to setup a call to go over the details of the plan. BB


I love it. Please tell them thank you, and I’m praying for the President. Blessed, Gov. P.S., How many times must I remind you to sign off “Blessed” or “Prayers be with you”?


Apologies, Governor. It’s time to send your first tweet today. Remember, today we need one positive statistic about the state, a selfie or photo of you with a random, unsuspecting Kentuckian and one tweet about how sick and corrupt the media is… Courier-Journal or Herald-Leader, your choice. Blessed, BB


I wanted to follow up with you regarding the new Koch brothers’ media strategy. I have some concerns. First, it sounds like we are supposed to just say whatever we want… as in, make it up if it’s not true. Second, I feel like it’s kind of… wrong to just randomly attack people — like professional journalists who are just doing their job. It just feels wrong. Prayers be with you, Gov


You’re not just making things up. We’ll make them look very fancy and official… And if they’re not true, you will make them true. You are a good Christian — people will believe you. Your tweets will get shared by many. Plus, we can count on the media to report about the tweets. Even the ones attacking them! Add to that a few, select outlets that we know and trust, and we can reach everyone we need… Kentucky Today, owned by the Kentucky Baptist Convention, the state’s largest religious group. They love you! As for the journalists, they are the elitists. If not them, then their employers from places like California… They’re just pawns spreading the godless, liberal propaganda. Remember, that CJ reporter snooping around your house. Pretty sick man if you ask me. It’s nobody’s damn business where you live. Prayers baby! BB


And also with you, Blake. But what do we do when people start asking questions? Won’t people realize I’m not answering anybody’s questions? Prayers be with you, Gov.


Yeah, yeah, prayers… you too. Remember you get to answer all the questions sent to you on Facebook that we, your staff, personally choose for you. And there’s nothing more transparent than people hearing straight from their leader. Also, don’t forget, these people don’t trust the media already. Add to it, President Trump is reinforcing that every single day. Your people love you, and they’ll believe you over the MSM. Hallelujah! BB