Inbox - March 11, 2015

Mar 11, 2015 at 2:37 pm
Inbox - March 11, 2015

LEO Weekly welcomes letters that are brief (350 words max) and thoughtful. ?Ad hominem attacks will be ignored, and we need your name and a daytime phone number. Send snail mail to Inbox, 607 W. Main St., Suite 001, Louisville, Ky. 40202. Fax to 895-9779 or email to [email protected]. We may edit for length, grammar and clarity.

Editor’s Note on Netanyahu misguided I find it interesting that Aaron Yarmuth was so offended by Netanyahu’s speech to Congress [March 4 Editor’s Note]. It is very easy to attack the appearance from the safety of his editor’s desk. Perhaps Mr. Yarmuth would be better served visiting the front lines in Israel, which are threatened on all sides by Iranian-sponsored armed forces bent on the annihilation of Israel. Maybe he should get on an Israeli bus and hope that a suicide bomber doesn’t appear before pontificating. President Obama will not prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons because the Iranians know he has no Plan B if sanctions and diplomacy don’t work (Iran, like the rest of the Middle East, considers Obama to be a weakling). Like Bush before him, Obama has no concept of Middle Eastern thinking … for example the concept of “taqqiyeh,” which is dragging out negotiations long enough to get what you want or to get in a position where negotiations are moot because you have what you want. I suggest Leo’s editor and his father (for whom I have voted every time he ran) familiarize themselves with these concepts before disparaging Netanyahu. Aviv Naamani, the Highlands

Editor’s Note laced with political bias From where I sit, Aaron Yarmuth’s “Editor’s Note” is laced with political bias. Prime Minister Netanyahu’s caveat to the American people echoed the advice given by the Prussian strategist Carl von Clausewitz: “The quickest way to peace is to lay down your weapons and greet your enemy with open arms as they cross your border.”

I find the tart remarks in your editorial to be disingenuous and politically motivated. Note that I have voted for President Obama, and for your “dad,” as well. Further, I voted for President Nixon, “America’s most liberal president, since FDR,” according to President Obama. Just for your information, I voted twice for an African-American woman that ran on the national ticket in 1980 and 1984. Nothing separates you from the truth more than the straightjacket of ideology. John Little, Sr.

We should have listened to Malcolm X Reading Ricky Jones critique of those who were critical of Malcolm X [LEO Feb. 18], I’m taken back to an era of discourse between traditional civil rights leaders and Malcolm X.  Malcolm’s legacy will always remain, for me, a life filled with greatness and contradictions. I read Malcolm’s autobiography as a high school senior in 1969 because I wanted to read about the man whose poster my mother had in her store window (The Corner of Jazz) at 28th and Greenwood. The current so-called black leaders (mostly Democrats) who still want government to take care of them, unlike Malcolm’s self-reliance message of depending on self. Unlike the Al Sharpton’s and others like him who align themselves with the Democratic Party only to engage in “woe-is-me” attitudes. Malcolm took his message seriously not only to the American people but on a world stage. His life changed my personal outlook on politics, warning that when you rely on others to do for you, you will be disappointed. Take a look at current status of black people. We are murdering each other, not getting educated and not taking responsibility for our children. President Johnson would be pleased with his legacy of keeping blacks on his “Democratic plantation.” Keith E. Lewis, 40206