Dallas Alice

Aug 19, 2009 at 5:00 am

Country rockers Dallas Alice proclaim they are guys who will “steal your girl, spill your drink, beat you at pool, and you’ll still wind up buying them a beer.”

They give themselves too much credit with that last part. If you buy them a beer, it’s probably because your standards are low, which these guys thrive on as much musically as they do socially. Their second studio album is a collection of reliable greaseball rock, all of which would kill in a Bardstown Road dive on Friday night after too many PBRs. These guys aren’t interested in impressing you but in spreading their intrinsic, good-ol’-boy energy.

If it’s consistency you want, buy this. “Belly Up” and “Broken Romeos” rock high gear, and “Angels of the 4th of July” bubbles with hushed, mournful Southern energy.