CD Reviews - Neko Case, Johnny Cash

Jan 15, 2007 at 9:40 pm
I was a little disappointed when the LEO Music Desk handed me the audio version of the Neko Case 2003 Austin City Limits rather than the recently released DVD. As I’ve said before, she could read the phonebook and I’d be captivated. Then it occurred to me: With the DVD, I’m just watching her onstage in a black cocktail dress.

With just the audio, I’m watching her sing her songs riding a bottlenose dolphin in front of a backdrop that spells out “I ♥ U Michael” in giant purple flames, which is how it should be. Thank you, brain. I owe you one.

So, certain am I that no one really needs to write another word about Johnny Cash, here are the first couple of verses to Serge Gainsbourg’s “Requiem Pour Un Con”:
Ecoute les orgues
Elles jouent pour toi
Il est terrible cet air là
J’espère que tu aimes
C’est assez beau non
C’est le requiem pour un con
Je l’ai composé spécialement pour toi
A ta mémoire de scélérat
C’est un joli thème
Tu ne trouves pas
Semblable à toi même
Pauvre con