Inbox — Sept. 5, 2012

Letters to the Editor

Sep 5, 2012 at 5:00 am

VA Soup
Just finished reading Steve Shaw’s column regarding location/hanky-panky associated with the new VA hospital (LEO Weekly, Aug. 22). I attended the first open meeting on this in 2009, and another veteran said to me, “They promised there would be no politics involved.” I replied, “That’s like saying you can eat soup with a fork.”
Bob Moore, East End

Pony Up for Ali
Muhammad Ali’s boyhood home is falling apart and on the market, and the mayor “hopes” the city “would find some reasonable way to make the house a part of our history.” Hopes? Just buy the place! The Associated Press was reporting last week that the home of The Greatest could be had for 50 large. Chump change. If the city can’t swing it, surely our heavy hitters can. Owsley Brown had that kind of cash in his underwear drawer. Where are the Nortons, Mortons, Browns, Blues and Schnatters when we need them? C’mon, guys — the greatest athlete of the 20th century, the most recognizable face on the planet, Louisville’s own Muhammad Ali — and we’re “hoping” we can preserve his boyhood home?
Tom Lukins, Irish Hill

The B-I-B-L-E!
It appears that many people have a problem with the story of Noah. The following is my position: Scientists once believed the universe was retracting, now they believe it is expanding. The Bible had it right the first time. The Bible proclaims in fact that the universe is expanding. Many people once believed the Earth was flat and rested on something for support, but the Bible proclaims that the Lord hung the Earth on nothing and also talks about the circle of the Earth. Marine life fossils are found in the lowest elevations to the highest mountains all over the world, proving water once covered the entire Earth. Scientists have pointed to the inaccuracy of the Bible in referring to cities that never existed. That’s right, decades after debunking the Bible, the cities have been found and, not only that, but in the exact way the Bible describes them!

Now, as far as the theory of evolutionary redundancy is concerned: I want someone to show me the most simple man-made object that can create itself, and once that is done, we will ponder how the complexity of life can create itself. Until then, I will embrace my truth of the Bible with the 100-percent accuracy record, and you evolution lovers can practice your faith (because that’s what it is) on the record of scientists who have been consistently wrong.
Mark D. Milby, Camp Taylor

Cue Compassion
It is with great sadness that we at the Center for Interfaith Relations (CIR) began our month with news of the murder of six people in a Wisconsin Sikh Temple. The CIR believes that every act of worship by every single person is a blessing to one and all alike. While we still don’t know what motivated this horrible event, we feel that the assault on worshipers while they were at prayer is a violation of the sanctity of all houses of worship as well as a vicious assault on the sanctity of human life. In the face of such tragedy, we call upon all people of faith in our community to acknowledge the blessings that we have received from the prayers of our Sikh neighbors and, in the spirit of compassion, to suffer with them as they grieve for their losses. They must know by our loving sympathy that they do not stand alone. We will not leave them comfortless. Compassion is the tie that binds us all, regardless of our individual beliefs, and strengthens our community. Today, we pray as a community of many faiths for those affected by this act of violence.
Turney Berry, John Reed & Kathleen Lyons, Louisville