Toy Tiger

Toy Tiger

Jul 2, 2014 at 5:00 am
Toy Tiger

In their eponymous first album, Toy Tiger bring a relentlessly delightful set of guitar-pop tunes perfect for car rides in the summer. From the bouncy opener, “Strangest Dream,” through the throwback rock ’n’ roll of yesteryear that pervades much of the record, this disc is sure to find a home in your car’s CD player. The album doesn’t require much of its listener; most of it wouldn’t be described as overly complex. But in not taking too big a bite, Toy Tiger can find a sweet spot and satisfy throughout. It comes across as an album that knows what it’s supposed to be and is exactly that, resulting in a listen that won’t blow you away, but is solid throughout. Hold on for the penultimate “Walk in Your Shadow” for the high point of the record.